Its not often that I have to deal with them, but when it rains the lights don't always come on, so I have to turn them on by hand. Then when I open my car door, the buzzer thing goes off telling me to turn the lights off.
I try to do so, but the buzzer continues to go off. It's maddening, because I spend more time that I'd like to admit trying to figure the thing out. There have been times when I've just closed the door and pretended that the buzzer wasn't going off, I just couldn't deal with it, life is short you know. The lights are actually off, I never quite understood the point the buzzer was trying to make.
Then, just recently, I realized that when trying to turn the lights out, I had been turning the wrong knob. (Please keep that just between me and you, it's quite embarrassing.)
Poor, pitiful me, I had turned the right knob to turn the lights on, but was turning another knob, the wrong knob, to turn them off. More specifically, I was turning the knob for the windshield wipers but I didn't realize it cause the car was off, so the wipers weren't coming on.
Crazy as this all sounds, and it is crazy, it kinda reminds me of how we sometimes address issues in our lives...
We know we have a problem, we think we can fix it and we're working hard at it, but things just never work out the way want them to.
Could it be that we're turning the wrong knob... seeking solutions from the wrong source... diving into the details with the wrong people... or even trying to go solo when we really should ask for help?
Maybe that's why our wipers are coming on when we really should be turning the lights out.
That old saying, "if at first you don't succeed, try again" is, in my opinion, not quite true.
I think it should be rephrased to suggest that if at first you don't succeed, you should do something else. In other words, turn another knob.