We're supposed to concentrate on SHOWING our stories, not just telling them, and we'll do that through the use of photographs.
Today's challenge is to show the oldest thing in your home.
I'm not sure if this is the oldest, but it certainly must be one of the oldest and it is also one of the dearest things I own. Not because of what it is, but because of who it is from.
My grandmother gave me this when I was about 10 years old. It was a candle and it came from Avon. This little thing has survived move after move and pieces have broken off, bit by bit, over the years. But it now sits on the sink of my brand new house -- old, broken, with blemishes that can't be removed -- but it's mine. And I love it because Nana gave it to me.
I have no children to leave this to, I'm hoping that my niece will take it after I'm gone, but I wonder if she'll want it. After all, she didn't know my grandmother, to her and to anyone else, this gem will just look like an old, battered thing that should be tossed away. But to me, it is so much more.
This "old thing" is the only link I have to my grandmother and I will treasure it always.