Code Blue
During this month, someone VERY near and dear to me was in the hospital and got coded. You know what that means… it means that the person was experiencing a life-threatening emergency. My person got coded.
I saw it. “Code blue Room 332” and my heart sank. I will never forget the horror of that moment.
I prayed harder than I’ve ever prayed before and I asked others to pray. I believed that if we bombarded heaven, what some saw as inevitable didn’t have to happen.
And it didn’t happen.
As it turned out, my person got coded, but he never actually coded. The hospital thought my person would code so they called in all of the forces, just in case. I am grateful for how quickly the staff moved, but the fact is this:
Man thought it was over. God said, not so.
What a God we serve!
And, while this was certainly an extreme case, there are times in life when people call a code on our lives, thinking that a difficult situation is going to be the means to our end -- literally or figuratively.
We lose a job – code blue.
A loved one dies – code blue.
We get a divorce – code blue.
A friendship ends – code blue.
We lose our home – code blue.
Our business fails – code blue.
We’re lonely – code blue.
We've been terribly misunderstood – code blue.
An apology isn't accepted – code blue.
Our money is gone – code blue.
But the good news is that we serve a God who cares absolutely nothing about man’s code blue. I’m a witness to that.
Some people may have coded me when my marriage ended. They may have thought I'd sink into a deep depression, wonder where I was going to live, think I'd crumble due to the disappointment or embarrassment of it all. Maybe they thought I’d crumble after one court appearance led to the next court appearance which lead to one challenge after another. But, thankfully, I never coded myself and God certainly never coded me. Now I can honestly tell you that my current days are so much brighter and full of so much more SPARKLE than my yesterdays. So back up off of me, code patrol, I’m doing just fine.
I’m writing this to encourage anyone who may be feeling like giving up today. Don’t do it.
Remember what the Word tells us in I Corinthians 2:9, But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love him.
So please stay the course. Keep it moving. Pray. Seek the help you need. Work hard. Then pray some more.
And by all means… Don’t give up, don’t give in. Don’t let anyone code you and, most importantly, don’t code yourself.