I would have gone to her funeral but, quite honestly, I didn't because I had a hair dresser appointment that day. I had been looking forward to getting a good cut and I was sure that the deceased would understand.
She was that type of woman. Always dressed well, always looked good, she was a fashionista with a capital "Fash." So I knew she'd understand me not being at her funeral. In fact, had she seen my hair the day before, she would have it no other way.
Anyway, I asked someone who did attend how the funeral was. That's a crazy question, I know, but it's one I'm sure you're familiar with. I really don't know what we expect the answer to be, but the answer I got this time caused me to pause.
The guy said that the funeral was nice, there were many people there and there was lots of food left over.
That's it. After 30+ years of knowing this woman, that was it.... it had come to just this.
Now, please understand that I'm not at all putting the guy down for his answer. It was a perfectly honest and legitimate response, after all, what did I really expect him to say? But still, it made me pause.
And I told myself that I'd better live my life the way I want to live it and to do the things that make me happy.
I'd better take more days off and talk longer on the phone. I'd better go on more trips and watch more movies.
I'd better spend more time with the ones I love and forgive the ones I don't.
And, as Irma Bombeck once said, I'd better burn the good candles.
Because when it's all said and done, a few folks will go to my funeral and the event will be judged by how many people are there and whether or not there was food left.
Excuse me, I've gotta run... I must also find out who's bringing the chicken to my repast and make sure they bring enough! :-)