OK, I know you're whispering, but I can hear you very politely in your head asking…
“That’s nice, Gail, but exactly what does that mean and what’s it got to do with me?”
Great questions! LOL! This means that today our book is available for sale on Amazon. We couldn’t be more excited and we’re doing our best to reach the Amazon Best Sellers List. This is where you come in…
On behalf of myself and the other co-authors, I invite you to go to Amazon TODAY and please purchase the ebook for just $1.99. The more sales we get today, the better our chance of reaching our goal.
But, the key is that you have to do this today, and we’re humbly asking that you make your purchase as early in the day today as possible.
I couldn’t be prouder of the men and women who are a part of this project. Some of them took giant leaps outside of their comfort zones to do something they never thought they’d accomplish. Their stories include honest, touching, humorous accounts of a moment in their lives. Each story has a lesson buried inside of it, and they each have a happy ending.
Who’s got next?
Is it time for you to step outside of YOUR comfort zone to try something new? Maybe there’s a story you still need to share… or an item on your bucket list that’s just begging to be fulfilled… or something on your “to do” list that has simply been there for far too long.
I encourage you to not wait until “tomorrow". If I’ve learned anything over the past few months, I’ve learned that today is a gift and that there is no better time to do what we want to do than now.
Maybe you just need to finally make that phone call...
Or schedule that doctor’s appointment… or stop the negative thinking that’s got you feeling “stuck” and a tad bit unfulfilled.
Whatever it is, why not make this your “Launch Day”, too? There’s no better time than now to blast off into something new and beautiful!