When he told the story of his college acceptance and all of the wonderful things ahead of him, he said proudly stated, "They said I couldn't do it!"
Just hearing this brought tears to my eyes
Instead of being discouraged by society's perception of what he could achieve, he used the world's doubt to propel him toward his goal. Isn't that awesome? And he's now working with children who are also challenged to help them reach their full potential.
I see two important lessons in this for us
Lesson #1: As women "of a certain age" we still have some goals we're striving for, right? And while the world, or maybe even that tiny voice that lives inside of our heads, could be saying we can't do it, that's nonsense! The Bible, as well as this young man's example, tell us that that we can do ALL things.
Lesson #2: This young man is a significant source of inspiration to those around him. Why? Because he hasn't been afraid to tell his story. And I would imagine that he is changing the lives of the children he works with because they must see themselves in him. I imagine them thinking that if he can get good grades in high school and go to college, one day, they can, too.
Who knows YOUR story?
Who has benefitted because you've shed some light of something you've lived through? There is life-changing power and undeniable SPARKLE in your story, please don't be afraid to share it.
You don't have to tell all of your business, but if you've been blessed enough to overcome, you owe it help the next sister do the same.
You'll soon be hearing about our third anthology project and this will be a great way for you to craft and tell your story in a published book. Let me know if you want the details.