I mean, no one said or did anything negative, you just pick up a vibe that you can't shake, no matter how hard you try?
This has happened to me and I used to think it was just me -- but then I realized that there is a name to it.
Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to it as Chi (pronounced Chee) and I find it fascinating.
It has to do with your energy and the energy that may be emitted from another person or another thing. If your energies match, good, positive feelings flow. But if your energy picks up something negative in the other energy, that's when you feel that odd, yucky feeling that makes you want to just run away.
I've felt this way around certain people. They've done nothing at all to me, yet I want nothing to do with them. Such is the case with one of my co-workers. I don't know what the deal is, but I cringe whenever I see her. I speak nicely, but then I make a beeline toward another direction.
Conversely, I was at a birthday party a week or so ago and a woman I'd never met ran up to me and we started talking and it was as if I'd known her all my life. Our chi obviously connected.
Even more recently I was at a rehearsal that I thought I wanted to be at, yet everything just felt wrong. I managed to stay til the end, but once it was over I ran out of there! Well, my feet are bad so I didn't actually run, but I walked as quickly as I could! HAHAHA!
Rather than force myself to deal with these situations, I now chock it up to chi and just keep it moving.
Maybe you call it instinct. As a Christian, I call it the Holy Spirit. The Chinese call it chi.