There’s a thing called hope.
And it is what gives us the strength and the courage to face another day.
On October 29th and 30th experts from around the country are gathering online for a virtual retreat titled Finding Hope in Times of Challenge. I think you’ll agree that the timing couldn’t be better.
The event is being sponsored by the Global Coach Community and one of their members is a part of our SparkleGram community. Because she knows we’re about SPARKLE, joy, and all things positive, she’s extending an invitation to each of you to be a part of this excitement – for FREE. While donations are encouraged, you don’t have to pay a thing. And you have nothing to lose except for that feeling of hopelessness that can be so pervasive these days.
Click here to get the details, including times, topics, and the impressive speaker line-up. This is a wonderful way to spend a weekend –– or even just a few hours -- from the convenience from your own home.
I’ll be making a donation on behalf of the SparkleGram community, so I encourage you to take advantage of this powerful and unique opportunity.
You can take what you learn at this virtual retreat to help ensure that your SPARKLE is bright and your story is full of happiness and hope. Remember, I'll soon be offering you a chance to share your story in a published book that will be sold on Amazon. Details to come.