I was in their shoes in January 2008. We all knew that layoffs were coming and the grapevine had told us that Monday was going to be the day. While no one told me that I’d be in the number of people being let go, I had a feeling that I would be. God is often kind like that, He gives us a heads up so we’re not completely caught off guard.
So I knew I was going to be let go.
I used it as an opportunity to establish my own business and I worked for myself for four years until I was given a chance to go back to my old job. Well, not the exact same job, but to a position I was very familiar with, so I took it. Working for “The Man” is a lot easier than working for yourself.
But that’s not what I want to write about today.
Today’s layoffs got me to thinking about myself and about how I use my time.
Because today they were laid off, tomorrow it could be me.
What am I doing now that could prepare me for a layoff?
Am I saving money like I should? Am I cultivating relationships like I should? Am I keeping abreast of industry trends? Am I doing the best job that I can?
Today it was them. Tomorrow it could be me… again.