1. Forgive yourself for things you did or didn’t do last year. No use crying over that spilt milk, apple juice, Sprite, wine, or whatever your drink of choice. What's done is done and we know that God can make all things new!
2. Evaluate your relationships. Improve those that can be strengthened. Release yourself from those that can't.
3. Challenge yourself to do something new this year. Do that thing that makes you nervous. Then applaud your effort.
4. Laugh more. Recognize that the ability to laugh (sometimes at ourselves) is key to our sanity.
5. Don't think so much. I'm not trying to be stupid, but I am trying to stop overthinking and rethinking and overthinking again. It's exhausting and is a great way to get on the nerves of people you care about.
While we're all optimistic about this new year, let's be realistic; 2022 is going to offer us all some challenges.
Whether personal or professional, whether global or something occurring just within our own private worlds, this year is not going to be all a bed of roses. But isn't it great to know who made the roses and to have the blessed assurance that we're going to be ok? In spite of whatever this year sends our way, we are going to be ok.
This year is going to full of great and wonderful things, too!
New opportunities, new relationships, new jewelry (OK, maybe that's just me), you get the point. I encourage you, as I encourage myself, to be ready to walk through the doors that will be opened to us this year. Doors to healing, doors to increase, doors to whatever it is you're hoping for. I'm excited to see what's behind those doors, aren't you?
Let me remind you, as I remind myself, that the same God who gave us the strength to sparkle in 2021, no matter how dimly or brightly, is a constant companion and is with us this year. That's Good News, so keep moving, keep praying, keep dreaming and, by all means, keep sparkling!