The original name was "Living In The Key Of Joy" and I really liked that. But the marketing director in me couldn't fully embrace it because it really didn't say anything about who I am and what I would be writing about. And, quite frankly, I found it a little confusing.
So I've decided to be a bit more transparent and to take this thing in a slightly different direction.
You see, I'm a church girl hiding in the body of a grown woman and much of what I say and do is a result of this. Life threw me some curve balls recently, and things changed for me -- internally and externally -- and the church girl had to grow up and see people for who they really are.
She had to realize that some people are just mean and that just because you're nice to someone doesn't mean that they'll be nice to you.
She had to admit that she had been used and abused by people she thought cared about her and that all that glitters is truly not gold.
And she had to recognize the fact that God doesn't always answer prayers right away.
What gifts, what wonderful lessons to have learned! While the trials were not easy, I'd take nothing for them. They have empowered me in a way that nothing else could have and I thank God for the journey I'm on.
Now, at the dawning of this brand new, wonderful year, I cannot wait to see what's in store. I have every confidence that 2016 is going to be a productive, successful year for me. Do I know what's going to happen to make it so? Nope. But I know who does.