It was the account of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, right before his crucifixion.
As you may recall, Jesus sent two of his disciples into a nearby town and told them to look for a donkey that would be hitched up. This particular donkey had never before been ridden.
They were instructed to “loose” the donkey and to bring it to Him. If asked why they were doing so, the disciples were instructed to simply say that the Master had need of it. As you know, Jesus planned to ride this donkey into Jerusalem when he went to Passover and prepared to accept the fate of his crucifixion.
Now, for some strange reason, when I heard this story this past Sunday, I kept thinking about the donkey. And I could almost hear the donkey talking to the disciples when they came to get him. The conversation went something like this…
“Hello gentleman, how are you? What? What are you doing? Why… why are you bothering my rope? You what? You need me? The Master needs ME?
Why would someone as great as Jesus want me? Is this a trick? You’ve got to be kidding me…
Look, I’ve never even been ridden, I’m new at this. Didn’t you know that? I'm not good enough for this job, He can’t possibly use me. I won’t measure up, I’ll more than likely mess things up.
Look over there, see him? That’s Walter. He’s been around a lot longer, and has been doing this for years. Plus he’s quite smart and extremely good looking. Take him. He'll do a great job and...
What? You say Jesus specifically asked for me? And He knows all about me? He knows my shortcomings, yet He still wants to use me? Wow, that’s really saying something!
In spite of who I am and in spite of what I’m not, Jesus wants to use Me. OK… Really?
Am I to understand that Jesus thinks I can do this... He thinks I can do the job… and you say that He’ll lead the way… I just have to be willing to go?
OK, tell me again, where are we going? Oh heck, it really doesn’t matter. I’ve heard about Jesus, I know of His power, I’ll go wherever He needs me to go as long as He goes with me.
Untie me… loose me, let's get going. I’ve got a work to do!”
Doesn’t the initial reaction of the donkey sound a lot like us from time to time? The way we sometimes make excuses for why we can’t do what God needs us to do?
Worried that we’re not good enough or that we won’t measure up?
Comparing ourselves to someone we think would be better at a job God destined to be ours?
Just like that donkey, we sometimes need to be untied, to be “loosed” from our own negative thinking and, quite frankly, our own laziness, so that we can accomplish the work we’re assigned to do.
What do you need to be loosed to do?
Start a business, write a book, volunteer at a shelter, help a friend, mentor a child, be a listening ear, make people laugh, make people think, share your story? Come on, let's get loose!
That’s why He died. That’s what Calvary is about. Jesus died to give us an opportunity to get loose, to live our lives, fulfill our destiny, and to live with Him forevermore. That’s good news, isn’t it?
Happy Resurrection Weekend!