I do not like horses. For reasons I may explain at another time, they are and probably will always be my least favorite animal. But…
There is something about this horse I like. I call her Lyric.
I see Lyric almost every day during my morning walk. Sometimes she’s standing up like you see her here. Dignified, minding her business, eating hay.
But other mornings she’s laying on her back, with all four legs up in the air, wriggling around, enjoying the morning air. It is as if she's dancing and this is when I enjoy her the most.
When Lyric sees me watching her, she stops wriggling around and takes on a more dignified pose. I tell her that she should feel free to enjoy herself, to dance on, but she seems embarrassed to let me see her letting her horse hair down and dancing around as if there is no tomorrow.
This exchange I have with her reminds me of the saying we see written all over the place, “Dance as if no one is watching.” Maybe even the animal kingdom finds this difficult to do, but if we (humans AND horses) could only embrace this philosophy, just think of how much more fun life could be!
What would you do if you didn’t care what other people thought about you?