Just this morning I watched her try to leap onto a table that was much too high for her to reach, but she tried it anyway.
And she fell.
But she didn't seem discouraged, she just shook herself off and tried again.
And she fell... again... and again. After a few more tries she moved on to something else.
What really impressed me about this is that she tried, knowing that she might fail, but also believing that no matter what happened, she would be ok.
Call it ignorance if you'd like, but I'd love to live my life that way, too!
I think I do, to a certain extent, but I want more of the fearlessness wrapped up in that ball of energy I've named Sasha.
I want to bold enough to try a variety of new things and smart enough to know that no matter what happens, I'll be ok.
That's one of the many benefit of being God's child, if you ask me. We have that blessed assurance of knowing that come what may, we're going to be ok.
Given this, why aren't we taking more chances? Why aren't we taking more risks?
I must think about this for myself: What more would I be doing if I was less afraid to fail?
What would you do if you weren't afraid to fail?
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